Rename files with auto increment number in python

Example Python script for renaming files with an auto increment number at the end of the filename. Very easy to follow script and guide to help you.

I created this script because every now and then I have to rename a lot of files.

Like images, to a one named-based with increment number files. This script is very easy to rename files, it keeps the right file-extension and add’s a auto incremented number at the end.

Renaming files in python is easy. But renaming and keeping unique names is a bit more difficult.

With this rename and auto increment name changer it’s very ease to do all your renaming jobs.

let’s say you want to convert this list with images to something you understand.


using the name “holiday-spain”

The names will come out like this:


Just change

the start folder (mine is : “profile_photos”) name the newName for the new name of the files and the startIncNumber to with what number it should start.

startfolder = os.path.join(dir_path, "profile_photos")
newName = "your-great-new-file-name"
startIncNumber = 1

Have fun! ```python ''' author: Theo van der Sluijs url: copyright: CC BY-NC 4.0 creation date: 22-12-2018

This script takes a folder and renames all the files to the same name with auto increment numbers.

It keeps the extensions of each file unchanged

Great for renaming images!

No extra pip install needed. ''' import os

class RenameFiles: def init(self, folder=None, new_name=None, start_nr=0): self.startFolder = folder self.newName = new_name self.startNr = start_nr

def loop_files(self, start_folder=None, new_name=None, start_nr=0):
    if start_folder is None and self.startFolder is not None:
        start_folder = self.startFolder

    if new_name is None and self.newName is not None:
        new_name = self.newName

    if self.startNr >= start_nr:
        start_nr = self.startNr

    for filename in os.listdir(start_folder):
        file = os.path.join(startfolder, filename)
        filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file)
        number = '{0:04}'.format(start_nr)
        new_filename = "{}-{}{}".format(new_name, number, file_extension.lower())
        newfile = os.path.join(startfolder, new_filename)
        os.rename(file, newfile)
        print("Done :{}".format(filename))
        start_nr += 1

if name == 'main': dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file)) startfolder = os.path.join(dir_path, "profile_photos") newName = "your-great-new-file-name" startIncNumber = 1

r = RenameFiles()
r.loop_files(startfolder, newName, startIncNumber)

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